Wow, can you believe New Year's Eve is just two days away? Christmas was wonderful and I can't wait for 2010. My goal for 2010 is to find a new job, still within the school district, but as an Administrative Assistant or School Office Manager. I would like to be making more money (who wouldn't) and I need to be paid when I am not working - which admins do. The only thing I'm not exactly sure about are the days I'd be working that could quite possibly be different than what I'm working now, but I'm certain they will be different. Then the trick will be finding appropriate daycare or someone to watch Carli when I'm working. And, if I am unable to find a job close to home, one in which I can ride the bus - transportation could be a problem, especially if J.C. is working full-time at the Post Office, if he gets his way. My dream is to work at the same school Carli is attending, but I don't see either one of the ladies up front going anywhere anytime soon. So then what I need to do is map out where the elementary and middle schools are that are close to the house and apply there, provided there are job opportunites at these schools. So now...I've talked about all I wanted to and will go for now. Thanks for reading my ramblings!
this is a blog about Carli, what happens in her little life and my observations about her. Please enjoy this blog. If you'd like, there are three other blogs about me. A Day in the life of me, Sushi and other delicious meals and Caregiving - what's it all about.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Bah humbug all neatly tied up with a really pretty bow!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Bah humbug all neatly tied up neatly with a really pretty bow...what a great title, huh? Yeah, I thought so. It's been a very long year and most recently some pretty cool stuff has happened near the end of it. Besides it being Christmas, again, I have been reacquainted with a biological cousin who lives in Florida - coincidentally near my stepdaughter. What a small world it really is. So on to what else has been happening as of late...I had begun to think that Carli would not be getting a Christmas this year. However, I couldn't have been more wrong. Thanks to the generosity of a couple of my co-workers Carli has a couple of presents under the tree and James was able to go out and buy her some neat toys. For her brand new baby doll (yes, I know she's 7 now, but she needs a new baby doll!) he bought a diaper bag and a Disney Princess Feeding Set. She also got a Sock Monkey named Maxx, some candy to go in her stocking, a Disney Fairie Nail Salon - my idea - a 3 pack of Littlest Pet Shop animals, a 5' pink feather boa, a Disney Easy Go Yo-yo (it automatically retrieves itself), Disney Card Game Pack (in its own vinyl bag, no less) and an 18" Cutie Pie baby doll. These are not exactly what she was asking for this year, but what she wanted was out of reach and the money just isn't here. Oh well. I'm certain she'll be happy with what she is given. And! I almost forgot to mention, Carli lost her first tooth last night (12/23). She put it in a plastic baggie and put it under her pillow and took herself to bed at 8 p.m. didn't ask for anything or get up for a drink of water or anything. By the time I went in to play the 'tooth fairy' role all parents get to play (oh, and my first time doing it, btw) I took my camera in to get a picture of her sleeping. She's a very beautiful child and I am in no way biased about that fact, either. HA! She has promised me that she will go to bed tonight at 8 p.m. so Santa can bring her presents. Such an amazing child.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Biological Family - First unofficial meeting
Today my cousin Terri and I met on Yahoo Messenger. We have not been officially introduced, only talking on the phone, facebook, Yahoo and today Yahoo Messenger with our webcams. I remember just the other day (Friday) being terrified at Terri wanting me to give her my phone number so she could call me after chatting for two days online. What if it really wasn't her? I braved it and gave her my phone number and guess what, it really was her! We talked for over an hour that first night and I remember it as if it were yesterday - because it almost was! We didn't talk at all yesterday, facebook, yahoo or on the phone and it felt almost strange because we'd seem to connect so well on Thursday and Friday, so I had begun to wonder if I'd said something that might have made her upset. I talked to her friend Marla on facebook for a little while yesterday and asked her if she'd heard from Terri. She said 'No' and was concerned because of Terri's accident this past September. I told Marla that I didn't know of anything being wrong with Terri, as far as I knew she was fine and that I didn't mean to upset her, just that I was concerned because I didn't see her online and haven't heard from her. Of course, I was not online much myself yesterday just because. I knew Terri would call me sometime Sunday, as she was off work and had promised she'd call. I got up at 9 a.m. knowing Terri wouldn't call right away at that time, because she knew I wouldn't be up yet. About an hour later Terri called and we talked for over an hour and then we set up Yahoo Messenger (thank goodness my computer has a built-in webcam) and she has a webcam too, and talked to each other for a couple of hours (for free) online! It was wonderful because we got to see each other and actually talk face-to-face, sort of, and see what the other looks like. It was cool because she and I share alot of the same facial features and we have the same sense of humor. Which is nice. Then after about an hour or so into our conversation, Terri decided she would get her mom on the phone and do a three-way phone call. It was wonderful talking to another person who remembers me from when I was really little. Aunt Jean was able to give me some more information and answer questions Terri couldn't. We talked for about 20 minutes or so, got her address also got my father's address and phone number so I could reconnect with him and my Uncle Vern. What a whirlwind weekend this has been. Not only for me, but I'm sure for Terri too. To finally be reunited with a cousin she watched get stripped away from her Aunt's arms and put into a car, not knowing why her little cousin was being whisked away or where to. After the three-way, we got back on line with each other on Yahoo Messenger and continued our conversation for about another 20 - 30 minutes and decided it was time to hang up and say goodbye. It wasn't easy, but we finally disconnected and ended up talking to each other later online (yahoo instant messaging and on the phone). It was/is wonderful having a biological family member in my life again. I was even able to reconnect with my father on the phone for about 5, maybe 10 minutes. He's ok. He remembered my daughter and husband, asked how they were doing. Now that I have his number and address, there is no way I'm ever losing contact with him again. I missed him terribly and I don't have to suffer anymore.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday Musing 11/15/09
So, Sunday Musing seems to be a favorite title of mine and so, in order to keep them straight, I will add the day's date at the end of the title. Onto my musing...Thinking about Carli and her activities yesterday and my reaction to all of it. I'm grateful nothing bad happened to her and I really didn't get all that upset with her or cry like I have in the past. It's unusual that I didn't do any of that because crying and getting all upset has pretty much been the norm for me, so I was shocked that I was not worse. Oh well. Either it means that I'm beginning to realize that Carli is growing up and can somewhat be responsible for walking down the street here in Tempe safely, arriving at a neighbors house and not have anything bad happen to her. Fortunately, we live in a very quiet neighborhood, there aren't many cars zipping up and down the street (that's the thing that scares me most however, that she gets hit by a speeding vehicle). So, in that vein, I have been teaching her how to safely cross the street, showing her by example what to do, when and how. She pretty much has it figured out, but the street we live on has people driving up & down the street going faster than 25 (residential street speed limit) and using our street as a faster way to get around the slower traffic out on University. My goal? to get speed bumps or a calming circle put on the street, perhaps in front of our house to slow the crazy bastards who refuse to recognize they are speeding and that children live on this street. I call Tempe Traffic nearly every time more than one or two cars speed through the neighborhood. I just wish once the cops would stick around and watch the crazies driving through. But of course, when the cops are around, what do drivers do? Obey the rules of the road. Oh well, I guess my next option would be to sit out in my driveway with a radar gun and point it at the drivers who are speeding, get their license plates and tattle on them.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Weekend Edition
So, it's the weekend, again. Carli was busy earlier visiting neighbors and making a general pain of herself. She'd escaped out the front door and down the street to a neighbors house and neglected to tell me she was skipping down the street to visit. Needless to say I was worried half to death when I called her name and she didn't answer. I checked the entire house before heading out the door myself to find out where she might have gone. I started thinking perhaps she'd been kidnapped and gone forever. About a minute later (probably less, really) I found her at said neighbors house in the front yard. I tried calling the neighbors cell phone, but she had left it inside and she honestly thought I knew of Carli's whereabouts. Anyway, after visiting with the neighbor and our newest neighbors, we came home and now Carli is happily watching television in her room.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Continuing to blog, no matter what
I've decided that I'll continue to blog no matter who reads it or not. Once again I will put this on my Facebook so that hopefully my DIL and other female friends and family members will read it, comment and let me know what they think of my current and not so current ramblings.
Today is Veteran's Day. A day to remember those who have served and are serving our country. My husband is among those who have served. I'm proud to be married to a vet and extremely happy that he came home from the war. For without him, I would not be the person I am today and would not have a wonderful daughter to raise.
So, onto my blogging for today. Maybe, if Carli will stay in her room for more than 5 minutes at a time.
Work has been going exceptionally well and we recently switched gears and started using a new program in our Learning Lab. We have also hired two new IAs to help out in the Math Lab. They have also been helping out in the classrooms, fitting in and figuring out their way around the campus.
Carli is growing and changing every day. She loves school, is doing well and learning more and more in reading, math, science and art. Her handwriting is also coming along nicely and improving, as well. She has decided that she wants to go to Summer School again this next summer and take two classes that will help her in 3rd grade and two 'fluff' classes. Math and something to do with science and then cooking/baking and yoga.
Speaking of yoga, Carli is learning all about it in Kid Zone - her before and after school enrichment program that she is enrolled in during the school year. Ms. Dory is an awesome teacher and treats all the children with love and respect. She's teaching them the different positions and also about healthy eating. Carli really likes her and it's mutual!
I hope once I put this on Facebook I will get some readers. Love you!
Today is Veteran's Day. A day to remember those who have served and are serving our country. My husband is among those who have served. I'm proud to be married to a vet and extremely happy that he came home from the war. For without him, I would not be the person I am today and would not have a wonderful daughter to raise.
So, onto my blogging for today. Maybe, if Carli will stay in her room for more than 5 minutes at a time.
Work has been going exceptionally well and we recently switched gears and started using a new program in our Learning Lab. We have also hired two new IAs to help out in the Math Lab. They have also been helping out in the classrooms, fitting in and figuring out their way around the campus.
Carli is growing and changing every day. She loves school, is doing well and learning more and more in reading, math, science and art. Her handwriting is also coming along nicely and improving, as well. She has decided that she wants to go to Summer School again this next summer and take two classes that will help her in 3rd grade and two 'fluff' classes. Math and something to do with science and then cooking/baking and yoga.
Speaking of yoga, Carli is learning all about it in Kid Zone - her before and after school enrichment program that she is enrolled in during the school year. Ms. Dory is an awesome teacher and treats all the children with love and respect. She's teaching them the different positions and also about healthy eating. Carli really likes her and it's mutual!
I hope once I put this on Facebook I will get some readers. Love you!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
MOM! I stuck something in my nose and I can't get it out! WWWWWAAAAAA!!!!!
OMG! The first thing I thought was she'd stuck a bead up her nose and we'd be making a trip to the Emergency Department. Carli was hysterical and screaming at the top of her lungs, blowing snot out of her nose like there was no tomorrow - trying desperately to get whatever this 'thing' was out of her right nostril.
Needless to say all three of us were in a state of panic, mainly wondering what the hell she'd stuck up her nose, why she'd done it, and if we were ever going to get it out at home or if we'd have to go to the ED. We told Carli to keep blowing her nose and whatever she did not to inhale through her nose (we had no idea exactly what it was just yet) and I didn't want her risking putting whatever it was further up into her sinus cavity or choking on it should it pass through.
Well, after about what seemed like an eternity, I found the tweezers, tilted her little chin up in the bathroom so I could see it well enough to grab it and pulled out this foamy little disc (that she'd folded in half) of her right nostril.
So, only a few minutes (maybe two or three) passed before it was all over and done with, Carli only ending up with slight bloody discharge out of her nose as she blew it one last time and I asked her if she was going to stick things in her nose again and she emphatically said "NO! Mom, never again!" I suggested she go to her room to watch television (not as punishment because that would be just dumb) and rest for awhile.
It was quite a harrowing experience, for her, me and her dad - one I'm most certainly we are not destined to repeat. I took a picture of the offending object as posterity and future bribing, in hopes that by posting this note another mother will read this and completely understand the horrors we just went through.
Please feel free to share with other family members and close friends. For my sanity, please share!
Thanks for reading,
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Fall Break
So, it's Fall Break. A friend of mine from work posed an interesting question. Why is it that Arizona has Fall Break but very few other states do? Good question, Alice. I wondered why too. A friend of hers answered: So the schools can close down and do A/C maintenance. Alright, I'll go along with that.
Ok, enough about what we're missing while we're not at work this week and onto how Fall Break is going and what's been happening the past few days in this Brown household. James took a break from work for a little while this morning and mixed up his famous Banana Bread recipe. I put it in the oven to bake for just over an hour. When I thought it was finished, I pulled it out to check for doneness and the toothpick came out with goo on it, so I knew it wasn't quite ready. I went back about 10 minutes later to check it again, less goo, but still not ready. I went back a final time (about 5 minutes ago) to check and the toothpick came out clean, so it is now sitting on the kitchen counter to cool. I took a couple of pictures and I will post them on here.
Also today, Carli and I planted some herbs that Dad bought yesterday. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme and Basil. Today, dad bought pots and Miracle Gro soil. Each pot has a skewer in it that tells what herb is growing. I have pictures of these to share as well.
Enjoy Fall while it lasts!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Another lonely post
Ok, so I'm not sure why I continue to blog. Nobody seems to read what I write and I mostly feel like I'm writing just to write and remember. Here I sit, at the laundromat, once again, doing laundry and generally being bored. However, this time it is different in that I brought Carli along this time and I'm sorta, kinda glad I did. She has made friends with three little girls whom I assume are sisters since they're all together at the table watching "SpongeBob SquarePants" on television.
While I'm glad my little girl wants to share her Oreo cookies, I have expressly told her she is not allowed to. Not because I want to be mean and teach my child bad habits, but because there are quite a few little children in here and she doesn't have enough to share with all of them. So, my final answer is "No, you may not share with the little girl Carli, because you don't have enough cookies to share with everyone of them". Besides, I bought them for her, not for the other kids in here who have already filled their tummies with Kid's Meals from McDonalds. And I don't want her eating their leftovers either, ew....gross.
Well, I guess my blog is done for now. I hope somebody finally reads this and either comments or adds to it.
While I'm glad my little girl wants to share her Oreo cookies, I have expressly told her she is not allowed to. Not because I want to be mean and teach my child bad habits, but because there are quite a few little children in here and she doesn't have enough to share with all of them. So, my final answer is "No, you may not share with the little girl Carli, because you don't have enough cookies to share with everyone of them". Besides, I bought them for her, not for the other kids in here who have already filled their tummies with Kid's Meals from McDonalds. And I don't want her eating their leftovers either, ew....gross.
Well, I guess my blog is done for now. I hope somebody finally reads this and either comments or adds to it.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wow, it's been awhile...
Work has been going along swimmingly for a few weeks now. I started doing reading intervention groups on Monday after a brief training session on Friday. Our lesson plans were done for us by Caryn and stories typed up and copied in multiples and lines of practice cut up and templates made. I did the templates with different colors to coordinate with the grade levels. We now have a "Learning Lab" upstairs where grades two through five come to learn how to read. Some of our students are second language learners and those who are not need some extra help to get over the hump of not knowing what long vowel, silent - e words are and things like that. I also push into a Kindergarten (from here on out called Kinder) classroom after working with my groups. My day is filled with making sure children get out to the playground after breakfast safely (no running, please) helping children learn to read, 2nd grade recess duty, lunch and then more reading groups. This all ends at 1:45 p.m. and I can either work on re-doing my templates with new vocab. words and practice words, or I can push into an ELD class. I haven't had much opportunity to do that as I am pretty busy doing my templates and preparing for the next day. Anyway, I love my job, I feel appreciated and my groups are learning and doing well.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
So, some more changes are going on
Well, last week at work was interesting, to say the least. Monday through Wednesday was very normal, nothing too exciting or new. Thursday morning I walked into the office and was told I would be helping out in one of the First Grade classrooms with one of my managers - who would be the substitute for the day. My job was to model positive behavior and reward students for good behavior with stickers. Those that continued doing well throughout the day were rewarded with what the children call 'smelly' stickers. My manager also brought in colorful plastic coins to reward exceptionally good behaved children. Wow, you should have seen their little faces light up! On Friday, the regular teacher returned to teach the class and I was in there all day doing what I had done on Thursday. My manager, however, would only pop in and out and was observing the classroom only on occasion. I was there to help any students with questions and to again, hand out stickers for good behavior. Friday went somewhat smoother than Thursday, but it was still chaotic and out of control, albeit not as much as the day before. Tomorrow (Monday) I will be in the classroom with the teacher and my manager will be absent as she will be at a meeting at the district office all day, so I am on my own. Am I worried, absolutely not. My manager and the principal have every faith in me that I will do my job and do it well.
Now, here's the real kicker of this whole thing. There are 3 other ELL-IAs who have been working at the school way longer than I have and another one used to be a school teacher for 10+ years. So, why, of all the ELL-IAs was I chosen over the others? For one, I am following in her footsteps - working toward the same end goals, I'm the only IA going back to school to get my teaching degree and we work well together. I ask questions if I don't understand something, I don't argue with her and I don't get angry with the kids. I get down on their level and talk to them quietly without getting mean. I'm positive and outgoing and learn quickly.
So...I was nervous at first, but now after doing it for a couple of days, I know I will be able to do it again tomorrow. I'm not quite sure how long this will last and tomorrow might possibly be the end of it, we shall see. We won't start our reading intervention until after Labor Day, so I may continue this path and learn all I can for when I become a teacher myself.
Now, here's the real kicker of this whole thing. There are 3 other ELL-IAs who have been working at the school way longer than I have and another one used to be a school teacher for 10+ years. So, why, of all the ELL-IAs was I chosen over the others? For one, I am following in her footsteps - working toward the same end goals, I'm the only IA going back to school to get my teaching degree and we work well together. I ask questions if I don't understand something, I don't argue with her and I don't get angry with the kids. I get down on their level and talk to them quietly without getting mean. I'm positive and outgoing and learn quickly.
So...I was nervous at first, but now after doing it for a couple of days, I know I will be able to do it again tomorrow. I'm not quite sure how long this will last and tomorrow might possibly be the end of it, we shall see. We won't start our reading intervention until after Labor Day, so I may continue this path and learn all I can for when I become a teacher myself.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
School is in Session
School is finally back in session. Week one was only 4 days long and two of those were filled with DIBELS testing the students. This year I have been tasked with helping one of my most wonderful managers Caryn testing the Fourth and Fifth graders. Since I didn't get to DIBELS test all last year (thanks to Carli spinning a fictious yarn about having seen DIBELS books in the house) and because the lower grades are more complicated, testing the two upper grades will go faster and better because they read and retell three stories only. So...we have finished two fifth grade classes so far and tomorrow (the 17th) begins the final fifth grade class and then we move onto the fourth grade classes. I'm guessing we'll be all finished with them by the end of next week (around the 28th). It may not take that long, but there are only two of us testing so it will take awhile. As for Kinder through Third grade, there are five of them testing, and they have way more kiddos to test than Caryn and I do. So, I'm betting that when we are finished we will end up helping them out provided they aren't finished yet. On the 24th NWEA testing starts and Carli's class is the first to be tested in Math. It's a good thing my daughter loves math!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Almost time to return to work/school
So, there are 11 days until school starts (not counting today, obviously) and I return to work. While I'm ready to go back, I'm not ready as in laundry needs to be done, I need to figure out what I can and can't wear anymore and I need to figure out outfits (making several outfits out of several different pieces of clothing) and maybe, hopefully being able to finally buy some more clothes to add to my wardrobe. My nails need to be filled and repolished and there's so much stuff that needs to be done, and there doesn't seem to be enough time to get it all done. Now, I'm not complaining by any means, but it has been a wonderful two months off and watching Carli growing and changing has been something that I have loved doing. One of the main reasons I want to be a teacher. Now, I know that being a teacher won't afford me much time off during the summer because I'll be busy doing curriculum planning and trying to get enough supplies for my classroom and finding out what students I'll get, etc. Granted, that's not going to happen for a few more years, but I am ahead of the game and getting it all figured out. Making friends with my fellow teachers (even though right now I'm an Instructional Assistant) is a good idea because I will be able to have them as professional references one day. I can also talk to them, learn from their mistakes and not being afraid to ask for guidance and direction when I'm not sure what do to or how to do it.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Fourth of July
So, thought I'd finally get on here and blog about the 4th of July celebration we finally ended up having. We did not go to Tempe Town Lake as planned, and now I'm kind of sorry we didn't go. I tried taking pictures of the fireworks from the ground in our backyard, but none of them turned out worth anything so I will not be posting any of them. Our bbq turned out to be exceptionally delicious, however, and I wish I had pictures of the food that was on my plate (and I did), but they got erased. Boo hoo. It was such a pretty picture. Anyway, Carli and James climbed the ladder and sat on the peak of the roof to watch the fireworks. I stayed safely on terra firma and am glad I did. I don't do heights very well and after having a Brandy Alexander I was a tad tipsy and decided against climbing the ladder. Carli had enough scary moments climbing up and down, so it was good that I stayed on the ground to help her. Next year we are going down to Tempe Town Lake, staking out our turf with chairs, blankets and an umbrella and plenty of bottled water, snacks, and sunscreen and waiting until the fireworks begin. Oh and I have to remember my tripod so I can take awesome pictures of everything!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
So, when I was trying to go to sleep last night, I was thinking about Obama, the economy, how we got to where we are today and a lot of other things that kept me awake. I wonder how other people can sleep at night when they are bad-mouthing our current administration and saying hateful things that sometimes make others cringe and want to fight back with mean, spiteful words. But we have to remember, not everyone is going to like the new President with all the changes he wants to make while he's in office and not everyone is comfortable with change or with the fact that Obama is trying to be transparent, let everyone in the world see what he's doing and how he's going about making those changes.
People want to blame Obama for this mess we're in, and others say it was George Walker Bush (our 43rd Prez - 8 years in office). Others still claim Bill Clinton started it. I disagree. I say it was Ronald Reagan (40th Prez - 8 years in office). The way the ecomony has gone down hill took way more than the eight years George dub was in office. It took longer than Wm. H. Clinton (42nd Prez - 8 years in office) and George Herbert Walker Bush (41st Prez - 4 years in office). So...all together these 4 gentlemen were in office a total of 28 years and everyone wants to blame Barack Obama for the mess we're in and can't get us out of it in only 5 months in office? Jeez people. Give the man a break. He's doing the best he can and it's time people backed off and let him do the job he was hired to do. Turn the ecomony around, make the necessary changes so everyone gets a fair shake in life and stop bitching and whining that he's not doing it fast or good enough.
People want to blame Obama for this mess we're in, and others say it was George Walker Bush (our 43rd Prez - 8 years in office). Others still claim Bill Clinton started it. I disagree. I say it was Ronald Reagan (40th Prez - 8 years in office). The way the ecomony has gone down hill took way more than the eight years George dub was in office. It took longer than Wm. H. Clinton (42nd Prez - 8 years in office) and George Herbert Walker Bush (41st Prez - 4 years in office). So...all together these 4 gentlemen were in office a total of 28 years and everyone wants to blame Barack Obama for the mess we're in and can't get us out of it in only 5 months in office? Jeez people. Give the man a break. He's doing the best he can and it's time people backed off and let him do the job he was hired to do. Turn the ecomony around, make the necessary changes so everyone gets a fair shake in life and stop bitching and whining that he's not doing it fast or good enough.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Fourth of July
We might not go after all. I still don't have a ticket and it's been reported there are going to be 150,000 people showing up for this event. Unfortunately, I'd be the only one going with Carli and I freak out every time I take her somewhere by myself and end up not having any fun at all, so...Dad is trying to come up with some way we can all go see the fireworks without having to pay to get inside and still be able to have some fun. We'll see. However, rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and its already raining here a tad bit tonight and I really don't want to have the event rained out. I'll let you know the outcome tomorrow. And just as an OBTW - we'll be having brats, pork spare ribs, potato salad (homemade, of course) and corn on the cob for our 4th of July celebration dinner.
So, the plan is to go to Tempe Town Lake tomorrow afternoon and walk around the park, eat the highly fatty foods that are for sale and generally have a nice time hanging around waiting for it to get dark and watch the fireworks. That's the plan. Only one thing is preventing this from happening - James not getting me a ticket in time to attend. I've reminded him, more than once, that I need a ticket in order to even get into the park, but alas, he has yet to purchase said ticket. I'd go myself, but don't have the $ or anyway to get there. So, I sit and wait, trying not to be pissed off that he's done nothing in the way of getting this ticket for me.
We might not go after all. I still don't have a ticket and it's been reported there are going to be 150,000 people showing up for this event. Unfortunately, I'd be the only one going with Carli and I freak out every time I take her somewhere by myself and end up not having any fun at all, so...Dad is trying to come up with some way we can all go see the fireworks without having to pay to get inside and still be able to have some fun. We'll see. However, rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and its already raining here a tad bit tonight and I really don't want to have the event rained out. I'll let you know the outcome tomorrow. And just as an OBTW - we'll be having brats, pork spare ribs, potato salad (homemade, of course) and corn on the cob for our 4th of July celebration dinner.
So, the plan is to go to Tempe Town Lake tomorrow afternoon and walk around the park, eat the highly fatty foods that are for sale and generally have a nice time hanging around waiting for it to get dark and watch the fireworks. That's the plan. Only one thing is preventing this from happening - James not getting me a ticket in time to attend. I've reminded him, more than once, that I need a ticket in order to even get into the park, but alas, he has yet to purchase said ticket. I'd go myself, but don't have the $ or anyway to get there. So, I sit and wait, trying not to be pissed off that he's done nothing in the way of getting this ticket for me.
4th of July,
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Summer Enrichment Program is nearing the end
Tomorrow is the last day of Carli's Summer Enrichment Program. While I'm glad it's over and I finally get to sleep in (yeah, right) I'm also sad for Carli because she will not being seeing her BFF Sierra every day. However, her mother and I have decided to schedule playdates for the girls during the summer and school year.
I think this is a great idea and maybe we can even meet at Tempe Water Park - I can get there by bus and its free, which Alice might appreciate. Anyway, I guess this is about it for this blog so I'll go for now.
I think this is a great idea and maybe we can even meet at Tempe Water Park - I can get there by bus and its free, which Alice might appreciate. Anyway, I guess this is about it for this blog so I'll go for now.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tuesday Musings
It's Tuesday and Carli has two more days left at Summer School. I know she's going to be sad when it is over, because she has learned so much and has done really well adjusting to getting up early and getting ready pretty much on time.
Her best friend Sierra has been a great source of comfort, not that she needs comforting, but they get along so well her mom and I are planning playdates for them during the remaining time this summer and even during the school year.
I think it will be good for both of them, because they don't go to the same school and they have forged such a friendship that both Alice and I would hate to see this friendship dissolve before it really has a chance to get off the ground.
So, I will make every effort to keep the playdates scheduled and do what is necessary to make sure these two girls stay friends for as long as possible.
Her best friend Sierra has been a great source of comfort, not that she needs comforting, but they get along so well her mom and I are planning playdates for them during the remaining time this summer and even during the school year.
I think it will be good for both of them, because they don't go to the same school and they have forged such a friendship that both Alice and I would hate to see this friendship dissolve before it really has a chance to get off the ground.
So, I will make every effort to keep the playdates scheduled and do what is necessary to make sure these two girls stay friends for as long as possible.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day & Last week of Summer Enrichment Program
So today is special for two reasons: It's Father's Day and it's the first day of Summer. Although here in AZ who would really notice it's the first day of Summer? I mean we're lucky when the temperature is under 120 degrees. Actually, I feel very blessed to live in a state where there are 365 days of sunshine. So what if the temp is over 100? If I'm indoors where it's air conditioned I don't give a hoot what it's like outside as long as I don't have to be out in it for more than about 20 minutes. Unless I have ice tea or any type of drink that has ice in it, I'm good. So onto Father's Day - James was lucky today. I made our usual Sunday breakfast and did a pretty good job at it. He liked it and that's what matters most. Carli requested I make his breakfast in a smiley face just like we do for her. James thought it was pretty cool. What a dad.
Carli starts her last week of Summer Enrichment Program tomorrow and I don't know how she's going to feel about it exactly. I'm certain she'll miss her BFF Sierra and I guess I'd better take some more pictures of the two of them this week, if I can. Although Sierra's mom and I are now friends on Facebook and the girls can chat with each other provided we're on at the same time. On July 6th Carli will be attending her first Summer Camp through the 4H. That should be exciting. She'll be going on field trips - to where exactly - I don't know yet. I haven't received any information on it and when I do of course I'll blog all about it.
Carli starts her last week of Summer Enrichment Program tomorrow and I don't know how she's going to feel about it exactly. I'm certain she'll miss her BFF Sierra and I guess I'd better take some more pictures of the two of them this week, if I can. Although Sierra's mom and I are now friends on Facebook and the girls can chat with each other provided we're on at the same time. On July 6th Carli will be attending her first Summer Camp through the 4H. That should be exciting. She'll be going on field trips - to where exactly - I don't know yet. I haven't received any information on it and when I do of course I'll blog all about it.
best friends forever,
summer camp,
summer school
Friday, June 19, 2009
Breezy Afternoon
So here I sit, all alone watching the trees leaves rustle in the breeze. There is a neighbor's kitten playing in the bushes, and it is quite comical to see Bogie pounce at the grass. Carli is in the next door neighbors yard, singing to Sylvia. At least Carli can carry a tune.
Why, you may wonder, am I not in the air conditioned house? Because nature is so much better considering. And speaking of air conditioning, why is it on if it's so nice outside? Well, it's not exactly cooled off enough to make it worth it to open the doors, but, if it starts to rain I may consider it.
Now the breeze is more like a strong wind and I'm thinking it's time to go inside and open the doors. James is home so I'll get his opinion as to what he thinks and go from there.
Such a good wife.
Why, you may wonder, am I not in the air conditioned house? Because nature is so much better considering. And speaking of air conditioning, why is it on if it's so nice outside? Well, it's not exactly cooled off enough to make it worth it to open the doors, but, if it starts to rain I may consider it.
Now the breeze is more like a strong wind and I'm thinking it's time to go inside and open the doors. James is home so I'll get his opinion as to what he thinks and go from there.
Such a good wife.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Why are old men so creepy?
This morning started out like any other morning. I got up, got dressed and did my makeup - nothing unusual about that. Then I helped Carli get ready for school and watched her brush her hair and reminded her to brush her teeth - all good.
James got off the computer and we headed to Summer School early because he had an appointment for 7:45 and needed to be on time. He dropped us off and we walked across the street to where her BFF Sierra was sitting with her mom, who is a school crossing guard (I mentioned them the other day) and the girls played together while Alice and I chatted for a few minutes. We discovered we have something in common with our girls - they'll go to any length necessary to get what they want, they are hellions at home, but as sweet as can be at school - which is how a parent hopes it would be.
After the girls went into the cafeteria I caught the bus - thinking I was heading in the right direction to head home, I call James to have him meet me at the library and discover I'm on the wrong bus. The driver is nice enough to let me off the bus and I walk across the street to the Circle K and let James know what's going on and have him pick me up there instead of the library.
As I'm waiting for him, this older man (I can't call him a gentleman and you'll soon read why not) pulls into the parking lot and gets out of his car, goes into the store for whatever reason - I'm thinking he's getting change to put air in his tire, but he gets in his car like he's leaving, then he gets back out again, this time on his cell phone, like he's on a call, goes back into the store and when he comes out he keeps looking at me and rubs himself - there - and looks at me a couple of more times. He finally gets in his car and drives away. Mind you, all this time I am ignoring him, purposely not looking in his general direction, so as not to give him any indication I'm remotely interested in chatting. So, I'm leaning against a water dispenser machine waiting for James and this guy comes back! He pulls in next to where one can put air in the tires (again) and looks back at me. Finally James shows up,I get in the car and the guy is still sitting there - I tell James what happened and asked him why was the guy staring at me and why did he rub himself - not once, but twice? Come to find out, I'm near Mesa and the street I'm on - even though I'm in the parking lot of a convenience store for Gawd's Sake - like that should even matter, right?
So I'm talking to an acquaintance of mine the next day and she says its because of the long hair. Hmm, now I'm wondering do I cut it all off and go butch or do I keep it up when I'm out. I'm all for being comfortable, but come on, do I really need to hide my hair? Maybe I should move to Kuwait and wear a scarf over my long ass hair - or perhaps I should stay here and wear a scarf over my long ass hair.
What gives? I don't understand why men feel the need to gawk and be all gross. James says most men aren't like that and that I should get used to being stared at. What do you all think?
James got off the computer and we headed to Summer School early because he had an appointment for 7:45 and needed to be on time. He dropped us off and we walked across the street to where her BFF Sierra was sitting with her mom, who is a school crossing guard (I mentioned them the other day) and the girls played together while Alice and I chatted for a few minutes. We discovered we have something in common with our girls - they'll go to any length necessary to get what they want, they are hellions at home, but as sweet as can be at school - which is how a parent hopes it would be.
After the girls went into the cafeteria I caught the bus - thinking I was heading in the right direction to head home, I call James to have him meet me at the library and discover I'm on the wrong bus. The driver is nice enough to let me off the bus and I walk across the street to the Circle K and let James know what's going on and have him pick me up there instead of the library.
As I'm waiting for him, this older man (I can't call him a gentleman and you'll soon read why not) pulls into the parking lot and gets out of his car, goes into the store for whatever reason - I'm thinking he's getting change to put air in his tire, but he gets in his car like he's leaving, then he gets back out again, this time on his cell phone, like he's on a call, goes back into the store and when he comes out he keeps looking at me and rubs himself - there - and looks at me a couple of more times. He finally gets in his car and drives away. Mind you, all this time I am ignoring him, purposely not looking in his general direction, so as not to give him any indication I'm remotely interested in chatting. So, I'm leaning against a water dispenser machine waiting for James and this guy comes back! He pulls in next to where one can put air in the tires (again) and looks back at me. Finally James shows up,I get in the car and the guy is still sitting there - I tell James what happened and asked him why was the guy staring at me and why did he rub himself - not once, but twice? Come to find out, I'm near Mesa and the street I'm on - even though I'm in the parking lot of a convenience store for Gawd's Sake - like that should even matter, right?
So I'm talking to an acquaintance of mine the next day and she says its because of the long hair. Hmm, now I'm wondering do I cut it all off and go butch or do I keep it up when I'm out. I'm all for being comfortable, but come on, do I really need to hide my hair? Maybe I should move to Kuwait and wear a scarf over my long ass hair - or perhaps I should stay here and wear a scarf over my long ass hair.
What gives? I don't understand why men feel the need to gawk and be all gross. James says most men aren't like that and that I should get used to being stared at. What do you all think?
Monday, June 15, 2009
Summer Enrichment Program
So, today marks Week 3 for Carli at her Summer Enrichment Program. It runs 4 hours a day, 4 days a week. Carli has been learning lots these past three weeks and I'm finally comfortable dropping her off at the front gate and watching her walk into the cafeteria to meet her classmates and first teacher of the day.
There are two more weeks to go and I'm almost certain she will miss some of the children she has met and made friends with. One little girl in particular, by the name of Sierra, who is also 6 and going into Second Grade. We're not exactly sure what school she attends, but we do know that her mom is working this summer as a crossing guard - pretty cool.
The four classes Carli's taking are: Dinosaur Safari, Computer Detectives, Exploring Reading and Math Games. She loves them all and is doing well. The classes are all geared to help her be prepared for Second Grade. I want to be able to give her every advantage next year and this was the best way I could think of.
I'm excited to see my little girl growing up, developing her own personality and doing fun things!
There are two more weeks to go and I'm almost certain she will miss some of the children she has met and made friends with. One little girl in particular, by the name of Sierra, who is also 6 and going into Second Grade. We're not exactly sure what school she attends, but we do know that her mom is working this summer as a crossing guard - pretty cool.
The four classes Carli's taking are: Dinosaur Safari, Computer Detectives, Exploring Reading and Math Games. She loves them all and is doing well. The classes are all geared to help her be prepared for Second Grade. I want to be able to give her every advantage next year and this was the best way I could think of.
I'm excited to see my little girl growing up, developing her own personality and doing fun things!
Monday Musings
Yes, I am getting more into blogging, especially now that I have a follower. My oldest step-daughter Carrie is following my blog and I feel compelled to keep up with her and my daughter-in-law Becki. So, here goes.
It is Monday afternoon and I am sitting in front of my computer (or is it the t.v.) and read through, albeit briefly, about Carrie's triumph with her pregnancy and ultimate delivery with Lilli. I am reading about Becki's journey through her own pregnancy and the trials and tribulations that come with it for her .
While I'm sitting here not watching "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" I can't help but be reminded of my own most recent pregnancy with Carli - my precocious 6 year old, who, I might add, btw, is smart, funny, and gorgeous. Of course, I could be somewhat biased. I am, after all, her mother and #1 fan. Her dad might have a thing or two to say about that, but he doesn't get to post, so I guess no one will ever really know, or will they?!
It is Monday afternoon and I am sitting in front of my computer (or is it the t.v.) and read through, albeit briefly, about Carrie's triumph with her pregnancy and ultimate delivery with Lilli. I am reading about Becki's journey through her own pregnancy and the trials and tribulations that come with it for her .
While I'm sitting here not watching "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" I can't help but be reminded of my own most recent pregnancy with Carli - my precocious 6 year old, who, I might add, btw, is smart, funny, and gorgeous. Of course, I could be somewhat biased. I am, after all, her mother and #1 fan. Her dad might have a thing or two to say about that, but he doesn't get to post, so I guess no one will ever really know, or will they?!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday musings
I have invited three people - whose opinions matter most to me - to be authors on my blog. In no particular order they are - my friend April - we have daughters who are three days apart and spent their Kindergarten year together at school. And since their birthdays are so close, April graciously purchased everything that was needed to have an awesome birthday party at school. Granted, this was last year, so why am I blogging about it now? Because April and her family are in Avondale and no longer at the same school and I miss them terribly.
Second is my daughter-in-law Becki who has let me in on her blog about being pregnant with her first baby (a girl whom she & her husband have aptly named Basil Isabella). I love Becki, not only because she loves my son unconditionally, but because she is so willing to share her thoughts, upsets and daily musings about what is currently going on in her young life. Thank you Becki for accepting me for who I am and not wanting to change me.
Finally last, but certainly not least, my stepdaughter Carrie - who blogs about her daughter Lilliana Mae. I have not officially met her yet, Carrie, that is, but we talk like we have been friends forever. She too has allowed me to visit her blog and see inside a day in the life of - which means the world to me. To finally be accepted by my stepchildren has gone far in my getting back to a normal mother, stepmother and beloved wife - makes me feel better.
Someday I may blog about my previous life or not. I tend to want to stay in the present and not look back at my horrific past.
Ok, so on to more current events. Carli and I went to the ASU Museum on Friday as planned, walked around and checked things out. Unfortunately, I was not able to take my camera and take pictures of anything. Sad because there was so much to see and do - but I am only able to talk about it and somehow it doesn't seem to be as much fun if you can't share what was seen.
So...Carli put on a puppet show for me, yes a puppet show! At the museum! It was awesome. There are about 20 puppets to choose from and she picked a boy and a girl - had them have a conversation and then lock lips. It was so cute - but I wonder where she got the idea from? Ha.
We walked around a little more and then went back downstairs to the gift shop to check things out there. There were so many pretty things and lots of jewelry and toys and you name it, it was there. I found a really pretty bezel set silver Peridot ring - I ended up buying it (woo hoo) and I bought a brown tarantula spider for Carli (she loves bugs).
After the museum we walked across the street and had lunch at Subway. We split a sandwich and shared a bottle of water. It was so much fun hanging out with my 6 year old - she was so well behaved. Lots of people complimented her on her good behavior and I think some of them were surprised. When we finished lunch we took a walk down Mill Aveune to see what was going on. We popped in to a couple of the shops so Carli could try on some shoes (high heels to be precise). She loves trying on shoes, don't ask me why.
Then we walked around some more and came to a little mom & pop book store called Old Town Books. We love going in there to look at all of the books they have on the shelves and laying down in boxes on the floor. I asked the owners if they had any sociology books and Carli asked if there were any Dinosaur books. She found one out front on the 'sale' table. Granted it is old (from 1959 - but it says its a 1968 edition) on sale for $4.95 - now normally I would not pay that much for a book so old, but Carli is so into dinosaurs and I figured it couldn't hurt a bit to buy it for her.
Needless to say I didn't find any books I wanted (or could possibly afford) and besides it's more important that Carli have good books to read to continue her love of reading. Funny thing about the book, her dad had the same book when he was little, how cool is that?!
When we left the book shop we headed down the street and walked around a little bit more and Carli saw another mom & pop shop - Ice Cream, that is...called Cookiez. This place is so cool, little and cramped especially if more than one or two people are inside. This is such a cute little place and the ice cream costs a lot less than the ice cream store next door. I can get Carli a scoop of ice cream for $1.00! and one for me too - can you believe it? And the place next door charges $1.79 minimum for a scoop of ice cream!
Anyway, I have probably gone on long enough. NASCAR is on and I must pay attention or my favorite driver Kasey Kahne (#9) will not win - and he's currently in 4th place - yeehaw!
Second is my daughter-in-law Becki who has let me in on her blog about being pregnant with her first baby (a girl whom she & her husband have aptly named Basil Isabella). I love Becki, not only because she loves my son unconditionally, but because she is so willing to share her thoughts, upsets and daily musings about what is currently going on in her young life. Thank you Becki for accepting me for who I am and not wanting to change me.
Finally last, but certainly not least, my stepdaughter Carrie - who blogs about her daughter Lilliana Mae. I have not officially met her yet, Carrie, that is, but we talk like we have been friends forever. She too has allowed me to visit her blog and see inside a day in the life of - which means the world to me. To finally be accepted by my stepchildren has gone far in my getting back to a normal mother, stepmother and beloved wife - makes me feel better.
Someday I may blog about my previous life or not. I tend to want to stay in the present and not look back at my horrific past.
Ok, so on to more current events. Carli and I went to the ASU Museum on Friday as planned, walked around and checked things out. Unfortunately, I was not able to take my camera and take pictures of anything. Sad because there was so much to see and do - but I am only able to talk about it and somehow it doesn't seem to be as much fun if you can't share what was seen.
So...Carli put on a puppet show for me, yes a puppet show! At the museum! It was awesome. There are about 20 puppets to choose from and she picked a boy and a girl - had them have a conversation and then lock lips. It was so cute - but I wonder where she got the idea from? Ha.
We walked around a little more and then went back downstairs to the gift shop to check things out there. There were so many pretty things and lots of jewelry and toys and you name it, it was there. I found a really pretty bezel set silver Peridot ring - I ended up buying it (woo hoo) and I bought a brown tarantula spider for Carli (she loves bugs).
After the museum we walked across the street and had lunch at Subway. We split a sandwich and shared a bottle of water. It was so much fun hanging out with my 6 year old - she was so well behaved. Lots of people complimented her on her good behavior and I think some of them were surprised. When we finished lunch we took a walk down Mill Aveune to see what was going on. We popped in to a couple of the shops so Carli could try on some shoes (high heels to be precise). She loves trying on shoes, don't ask me why.
Then we walked around some more and came to a little mom & pop book store called Old Town Books. We love going in there to look at all of the books they have on the shelves and laying down in boxes on the floor. I asked the owners if they had any sociology books and Carli asked if there were any Dinosaur books. She found one out front on the 'sale' table. Granted it is old (from 1959 - but it says its a 1968 edition) on sale for $4.95 - now normally I would not pay that much for a book so old, but Carli is so into dinosaurs and I figured it couldn't hurt a bit to buy it for her.
Needless to say I didn't find any books I wanted (or could possibly afford) and besides it's more important that Carli have good books to read to continue her love of reading. Funny thing about the book, her dad had the same book when he was little, how cool is that?!
When we left the book shop we headed down the street and walked around a little bit more and Carli saw another mom & pop shop - Ice Cream, that is...called Cookiez. This place is so cool, little and cramped especially if more than one or two people are inside. This is such a cute little place and the ice cream costs a lot less than the ice cream store next door. I can get Carli a scoop of ice cream for $1.00! and one for me too - can you believe it? And the place next door charges $1.79 minimum for a scoop of ice cream!
Anyway, I have probably gone on long enough. NASCAR is on and I must pay attention or my favorite driver Kasey Kahne (#9) will not win - and he's currently in 4th place - yeehaw!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
ASU Art Museum
I'm taking Carli to the ASU Art Museum on Friday. It's free and it will be a lot of fun. Besides, we'll have to do something since that's her day off from Summer School - why not be entertained and get an education at the same time. What a great idea - she'll never suspect a thing.
Monday, June 1, 2009
First Day of Summer School
It all started out so wonderfully and ended the same way. Carli picked out her first day of Summer School clothes last night so that she would be ready in time to leave with
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Carli and I took a walk around the block just to get out of the house for a little while and enjoy the cooler weather we've been experiencing recently. I took the digital camera along in case we came across anything I might want to get on 'film.' I took a picture of a Pear Cactus with blossoming flowers, an American Flag flying in the breeze, some daisies (my all time favorite flower) and a shot or two of Carli with her sunglasses on. Check out my pics!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Strep Throat and Forced Vacation
Well, Carli was sick most of the week with strep throat and I was forced into a 5 day vacation. Needless to say, I wasn't too happy to miss 3 full days of work to take care of a sick child. However, it turned out to be a good thing that I was off work because I took Carli to the doctor on Thursday only to find out she has strep throat and needed an antibiotic (Amoxicillan). She takes it three times a day for 10 days. She gets to go back to school on Monday and I am so happy about it. I can't wait to get back to work!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
New Digital Camera - Canon PowerShot A550
I had to blog about my new digital camera. It's a Canon PowerShot A550. While it is secondhand, I am still very excited to have it. It came with a USB cable, a memory card (don't ask me what kind, 'cuz I dunno), a soft case and shoulder strap. Now I get to play with it and figure out how it works. I can also take 8 minute videos with it, which will be awesome, especially when Carli is singing at her concert on the 23rd. It takes AA batteries (no more expensive camera batteries - yeah!) and NO MORE FILM! We have finally joined the 21st century.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tempe Art Festival Spring 2009
Hello...just wanted to say I enjoyed the Tempe Art Festival this spring. I was able to go by myself (what a treat that was!) and actually do some shopping for things I wanted to buy. I purchased two pairs of earrings (one dangly and one posts) the dangly pair are amethyst (my birthstone) and the posts are made from glass and depending on the angle of light hitting them the color can range anywhere from blue to purple. I also bought a spoon ring that I wear on my pinky finger that is also purple. The last thing I purchased before I left the festival is a purple candle that actually glows in the dark. Pretty cool candle - hence the name "Waycool candles". I spent $20.00 for everything, which I think is a steal, considering that a lot of the stuff there starts at around $25.00 for one item. I went back later in the day with Carli because she'd been at Bug-O-Rama with her dad and I wanted to get her a ring too. She picked out a blue stone ring that the lady resized for her no charge. I thought that was a pretty nice thing to do.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Possible new vehicular addition to the Brown household
So, it looks like we may be getting a new vehicle. Well, more like a 1967 Zenith Blue VW Beetle that is in mint condition. The interior is black (which I don't like) but because of its pristine condition, maybe I'll just get used to it and like it anyway. I don't have any actual photos of him/her, just yet, but when I do I'll be sure to post them right away (or nearly). We can't talk to the second owner about what he'd like to get for it until Monday, I figure, however, its a small price to pay considering I've been waiting for just over a year now to have Sunny D up and running. For those of you who don't know, Sunny D is a 1972 VW Tintop Bus my husband bought for $1,200 cash outright from a salvage yard in March of 2008. And about 3 weeks ago, he bought another 1972 VW Tintop Bus (also not running) for $175 cash to either use as a parts bus or perhaps get it running as well. I've been begging for months to have my own car and it looks like my wish may be coming true.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Cell phones and online scams
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. I start my blog this way because I felt like it and I like the quote. What does it have to do with my blog title? Absolutely nothing but it came to me in a flash and I had to write it down so I didn't forget it. Now, onto my blog about cell phones and online scams. I hate to admit it, but we just spent $60.00 for a stolen Palm Treo from some guy on a bicycle. Did we check into it being stolen on the off chance it was? You bet. I made the cursory phone call to the Police Department, but of course, it wasn't reported stolen, so I thought all was well, until I took it to the phone store to have it put on my account. Low and behold, it had indeed been stolen just a couple of days before I bought it off Craigslist. Never again will we be so stupid to do that. Lesson learned.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Spring Break blog
Here is my Spring Break blog, I hope you can see this pretty green color! Day three of our vacation and things are going good. We took a trip to the nail salon yesterday so I could get my nails done, but since we were getting a ride with dad, we had to leave fairly early because he had a call that was going to take awhile and would not be able to come get us before my 10 a.m. appointment. So, we had breakfast at Jack In The Box and spent a little time visiting with each other. We get so little Carli - Mommy time it was nice to be by ourselves. We finished up breakfast and went next door about 20 minutes early, waited about 2 minutes and I was promptly taken to a chair for my refill. 30 minutes later we were out the door and on our way to the library to play for a bit. We walked to the library from the nail place, it didn't take long and it was so beautiful out I could hardly pass up the opportunity to be out in the fresh air and sunshine. Besides, walking is great exercise and it was needed after the breakfast I'd had! We stayed at the library for about half an hour and then caught the Orbit home. All in all it was wonderful spending alone time with Carli.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Birthday blogging musings
To my faithful friend April I must apologize for not getting back to her/you sooner. Thanks for the comments on my blogs I appreciate you for that. As for missing my birthday, it ain't no big deal, really, I promise. I was mostly putting it on there just because I can and sometimes its fun to promote yourself, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, I enjoy looking at pictures of you and your little family and can so relate to a lot of what you're saying. As for the tofu, I probably have never had it prepared correctly, so I don't think I like it. I might if you shared some with me some day.
I have been so busy working and college that I haven't had time for much anything else (housework included, although I do try).
We acquired a donor VW bus yesterday afternoon and James is busily cleaning and working on both. And trying to decide whether or not to use the donor bus for body parts on Miss Sunny or make it into a ratride/worktruck for himself. Obviously he is torn because the donor bus is in such perfect condition bodywise. The inside is completely gutted and there are no door handles to speak of.
A sad note to mention, our betta fish died sometime during the night/early morning hours yesterday and I had to flush him - it was sad, Carli cried and promptly announced she would like to have another fish, but a different one and she will not name it 'Super Hero' for fear it will end up the same as the first.
School is going well for Carli. Her most recent report card/conference indicates she is continuing to learn and do well in her studies. She is still progressing and I am hoping by the end of the school year she will get x's (which indicates mastery) instead of +'s (which indicates progression). She is at grade level and is in the highest reading group for First Grade. In DIBELS in oral reading fluency she is at 96 words per minute.
School is going well for me as I am nearing my 6th week of classes and can't wait to complete HUM205 and AED200. I only have one class beginning in April - AED201. Should be interesting!
Anyway, I enjoy looking at pictures of you and your little family and can so relate to a lot of what you're saying. As for the tofu, I probably have never had it prepared correctly, so I don't think I like it. I might if you shared some with me some day.
I have been so busy working and college that I haven't had time for much anything else (housework included, although I do try).
We acquired a donor VW bus yesterday afternoon and James is busily cleaning and working on both. And trying to decide whether or not to use the donor bus for body parts on Miss Sunny or make it into a ratride/worktruck for himself. Obviously he is torn because the donor bus is in such perfect condition bodywise. The inside is completely gutted and there are no door handles to speak of.
A sad note to mention, our betta fish died sometime during the night/early morning hours yesterday and I had to flush him - it was sad, Carli cried and promptly announced she would like to have another fish, but a different one and she will not name it 'Super Hero' for fear it will end up the same as the first.
School is going well for Carli. Her most recent report card/conference indicates she is continuing to learn and do well in her studies. She is still progressing and I am hoping by the end of the school year she will get x's (which indicates mastery) instead of +'s (which indicates progression). She is at grade level and is in the highest reading group for First Grade. In DIBELS in oral reading fluency she is at 96 words per minute.
School is going well for me as I am nearing my 6th week of classes and can't wait to complete HUM205 and AED200. I only have one class beginning in April - AED201. Should be interesting!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Cell phone convenience
So, my husband called me from the driveway and asked me to please bring him his workbox before he pulled out to go pick up his fare. That rates right up there with the wife calling from the driveway asking her husband to please come help her get the groceries out of the car.
Anyway, I thought this was funny enough to blog about. Hope there is somebody out there who can relate.
Anyway, I thought this was funny enough to blog about. Hope there is somebody out there who can relate.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Birthday Blog
Ok, so I haven't blogged in awhile and today seems most fitting for a birthday blog. President Lincoln was born today 200 years ago and so were some other notable or not so notable people too, I'm sure but their names are not on my lips. My husband was wonderful enough to take Carli and I to school this morning and pick us up this afternoon. He went out earlier and bought me a bottle of Disaronno, Frangelico and Irish Mist along with a glass to drink them all (one at a time of course). Wow! What a wonderful birthday.
I am 45 years old today although I don't feel like it nor do I look my age either (at least that's what my friends tell me?!)
I am 45 years old today although I don't feel like it nor do I look my age either (at least that's what my friends tell me?!)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
It's the weekend!
So, today is Saturday and I am not doing much of anything. Carli just got out of bed and is wanting to have a bowl of cereal. Will she choose Honey Bunches of Oats with almond slices or will she have a bowl of Reese's Puffs? You tell me and I'll let you know if you are correct.
We're off the dairy restriction, finally. The pediatrician said she can go back to drinking regular milk again and that makes me happy and so is Carli. Not that she didn't like drinking soy milk, but sometimes having to drink it was not so good. Oh well, she got through the two weeks and seems better. No more tummyaches.
Not much else is going on, I'm still busy with my two new classes. Humanities 205 and Contemporary Issues in American 200. They are fun and interesting classes and I hope to do as well in them as I have done so far.
Take care. I'll blog more later!
We're off the dairy restriction, finally. The pediatrician said she can go back to drinking regular milk again and that makes me happy and so is Carli. Not that she didn't like drinking soy milk, but sometimes having to drink it was not so good. Oh well, she got through the two weeks and seems better. No more tummyaches.
Not much else is going on, I'm still busy with my two new classes. Humanities 205 and Contemporary Issues in American 200. They are fun and interesting classes and I hope to do as well in them as I have done so far.
Take care. I'll blog more later!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I'm sitting here watching the most awesome President of the United States talking about the economy. Granted, there may be some of you out there who didn't vote for him, but I did, and right now I'm glad I did. Talk about the most awesome President of the 21st century. He is the perfect person to be leading our country. He's so serious most of the time it was nice to see him laughing and poking fun at those who don't agree with his idea of the stimulus package.
That's all you'll hear from me on this for now.
Thanks for reading my post.
That's all you'll hear from me on this for now.
Thanks for reading my post.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday afternoon while at work I started feeling achy and generally not well. I'd had a headache all week and should have known I was coming down with the flu. I got home ok with Carli and decided to lay down on the couch to rest. I was hoping to not puke and delayed it as long as I could. Nature took its course and I got really sick. Thank goodness James was home to take care of Carli. I was able to manage to get up and go to bed very late that night. I knew there was no way I'd be going to work the next day. Fortunately we were still doing Azella testing and there were enough people to help out. I was still feeling achy and had a headache yesterday, but today I am feeling more like my normal self. Thank goodness. I don't like being sick, nobody does. I'm just glad its over.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friends, kids, dogs and no dairy for two weeks!
Carli had not been feeling well yesterday morning, complaining of stomach pains. I figured she was really alright, so she got dressed and we headed out in plenty of time to catch the orbit to school/work.
Well, she threw up twice on the sidewalk! We turned around and came back home. I had her lay down on the couch and covered her up with her benny blanket and gave her her pillow. I let her watch kid shows for a little while and then when it was a given I was not going to work because I was unable to find a babysitter, I went into her bedroom, turned on her television and told her to lay down on her bed.
I felt bad about missing work, but my co-workers assured me it was alright and that I needed to stay home and take care of Carli. I let them know where they could find what they needed to cover my groups and I guess everything went ok because I never heard back from anyone.
I called Carli's pediatrician to schedule an appointment because she's been complaining of her stomach hurting for a few months now and after she threw up, I became quite concerned. Not that I haven't been concerned, its just that this time I was worried.
When we arrived at the doctor's, we sat in the waiting room for about 5 minutes and then Carli's name was called. The nurse took her temperature (normal) and weighed her (49 pounds) and we were taken immediately to an exam room. Normally we wait at least 15 - 20 minutes before the doctor comes in, but yesterday (I guess they're less busy on Fridays?) the doctor knocked on the door within just a couple of minutes. I was shocked that he'd gotten there so quickly.
He asked Carli how she was feeling and she said her stomach hurt and I told him that she has been complaining for a long time. I thought maybe she was lactose intolerant, he said we will eliminate all dairy for two weeks just to make sure, and the gross part? I have to collect a stool sample to take to the lab to check for h pylori. Oh great, a gut bug perhaps?
I looked on the internet when we got home to see what the cause might be. Well, come to find out, it could be almost anything from constipation to just wanting attention. It could be stress, adults get headaches, children get tummy aches. But nothing major has happened, James and I are getting along really well. SO...on to our friends who came to visit us.
Some of our dearest friends came to visit last night. They brought their dog Bear and a bottle of Glenlivet for James and a bottle of Disaronno for me and a Vegan Banana Cake for Carli (and for dessert). We ordered a Calzone from Oregeno's for dinner - it was delicious! We had red wine (Barefoot label) but we were enjoying the Glenlivet and Disaronno that it just seemed like too much with dinner.
After dinner, we sat and chatted for a couple of hours and somewhere in there we tried the vegan banana cake. Now let me tell you, I was sure it would be gross and grainy, but you know what? It is actually delicious! No, I'm not switching completely over to being a vegan/vegetarian, but there are some things I will definately eat that is vegan/vegetarian and drink things like soy milk (8th Contenient) and whole grains for sure. I know I certainly feel much better after eating something like that then a huge, greasy burger.
Ok, I've told you about all there is about yesterday. I will stop and go on to something else. Thanks for reading!
Well, she threw up twice on the sidewalk! We turned around and came back home. I had her lay down on the couch and covered her up with her benny blanket and gave her her pillow. I let her watch kid shows for a little while and then when it was a given I was not going to work because I was unable to find a babysitter, I went into her bedroom, turned on her television and told her to lay down on her bed.
I felt bad about missing work, but my co-workers assured me it was alright and that I needed to stay home and take care of Carli. I let them know where they could find what they needed to cover my groups and I guess everything went ok because I never heard back from anyone.
I called Carli's pediatrician to schedule an appointment because she's been complaining of her stomach hurting for a few months now and after she threw up, I became quite concerned. Not that I haven't been concerned, its just that this time I was worried.
When we arrived at the doctor's, we sat in the waiting room for about 5 minutes and then Carli's name was called. The nurse took her temperature (normal) and weighed her (49 pounds) and we were taken immediately to an exam room. Normally we wait at least 15 - 20 minutes before the doctor comes in, but yesterday (I guess they're less busy on Fridays?) the doctor knocked on the door within just a couple of minutes. I was shocked that he'd gotten there so quickly.
He asked Carli how she was feeling and she said her stomach hurt and I told him that she has been complaining for a long time. I thought maybe she was lactose intolerant, he said we will eliminate all dairy for two weeks just to make sure, and the gross part? I have to collect a stool sample to take to the lab to check for h pylori. Oh great, a gut bug perhaps?
I looked on the internet when we got home to see what the cause might be. Well, come to find out, it could be almost anything from constipation to just wanting attention. It could be stress, adults get headaches, children get tummy aches. But nothing major has happened, James and I are getting along really well. SO...on to our friends who came to visit us.
Some of our dearest friends came to visit last night. They brought their dog Bear and a bottle of Glenlivet for James and a bottle of Disaronno for me and a Vegan Banana Cake for Carli (and for dessert). We ordered a Calzone from Oregeno's for dinner - it was delicious! We had red wine (Barefoot label) but we were enjoying the Glenlivet and Disaronno that it just seemed like too much with dinner.
After dinner, we sat and chatted for a couple of hours and somewhere in there we tried the vegan banana cake. Now let me tell you, I was sure it would be gross and grainy, but you know what? It is actually delicious! No, I'm not switching completely over to being a vegan/vegetarian, but there are some things I will definately eat that is vegan/vegetarian and drink things like soy milk (8th Contenient) and whole grains for sure. I know I certainly feel much better after eating something like that then a huge, greasy burger.
Ok, I've told you about all there is about yesterday. I will stop and go on to something else. Thanks for reading!
h pylori,
lactose intolerance
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
One more post, sorry guys
One more post. I am so excited for tomorrow. History is being made and to know you (me) had a part (albeit very small) in it gives me chills. This means alot to millions of people knowing they chose this and made the right decision to change history.
So...blogger may just be my new best friend
And, if I can convince enough of my family and friends to join me, I just may switch over entirely. I'm tired of having myspace open multiple (and I mean multiple) windows of it on my new computer. I wonder if myspace has a virus on it? I can't imagine that my newly refurbished computer would have any bugs? Come on, seriously? Hmmmm...
Monday, January 19, 2009
Week 8 of online college Eng 101
I'm starting my next to last week of online college and doing good so far. I handed in two assignments days early which means I will have time to concentrate on housekeeping and my job. I peer reviewed a classmates essay and did a crossword puzzle that has to do with English 101.
I am enjoying my second go-round of English 101, doing much better at it then the first time I took it. Good thing too, because being able to continue my education depends on my passing this course.
Having a three day weekend was nice, but its almost over and time to head back to life outside the house.
I am enjoying my second go-round of English 101, doing much better at it then the first time I took it. Good thing too, because being able to continue my education depends on my passing this course.
Having a three day weekend was nice, but its almost over and time to head back to life outside the house.
Labels: college, life in general, work
Friday, January 16, 2009
So, I finished my assignment and turned it in. I got 95 out of a possible 100 points. Not too shabby! Now I've had to add an introduction and conclusion AND add a reference page. I was able to finish it early and turn it in a day early. I hope I did it right! I think I did, pretty sure.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Homework & this weekend
Homework is going well. I have 326 words to go to reach the 900 word count. It isn't difficult to b.s. my way through the assignment, I was lucky enough to have a couple of teachers, where I work, answer some questions for me and help give me ideas of what to write. I still have to get three more teachers input and then incorporate it into my final essay.
Also this weekend is a time for recouping, no I'm not sick (well a touch of bronchitis, maybe) but all is actually well. Finally took the Christmas tree down (yeah)! The house looks much bigger all of a sudden with it gone. I don't think its bad that it finally came down considering we didn't get it put up until three days before Christmas!
James found a cool way to play his electric guitar along with some bar blues music he found on his computer and has actually improved in the last couple of months. I like listening to him play now!
Also this weekend is a time for recouping, no I'm not sick (well a touch of bronchitis, maybe) but all is actually well. Finally took the Christmas tree down (yeah)! The house looks much bigger all of a sudden with it gone. I don't think its bad that it finally came down considering we didn't get it put up until three days before Christmas!
James found a cool way to play his electric guitar along with some bar blues music he found on his computer and has actually improved in the last couple of months. I like listening to him play now!
Friday, January 9, 2009
English 101
Well, the work/school week is over. I have one more assignment due on Sunday for college and I'm doing real well this go 'round in English 101. The assignment? A 900 word rough draft expository essay, my topic? The Negative Effects of Standardized Testing.
This may be a controversial subject but its one I'm passionate about and something as a parent I don't agree with. Not all parents or teachers will agree with me that Standardized Testing is a bad thing, but everyone is entitled to their opinions, to be heard and not be made to feel bad about it.
Yes this my second time taking it, but I have a different instructor and that makes a world of difference for me. I am actually liking English now. I have done much better so far and I feel more confident in turning in my assignments a day early.
This may be a controversial subject but its one I'm passionate about and something as a parent I don't agree with. Not all parents or teachers will agree with me that Standardized Testing is a bad thing, but everyone is entitled to their opinions, to be heard and not be made to feel bad about it.
Yes this my second time taking it, but I have a different instructor and that makes a world of difference for me. I am actually liking English now. I have done much better so far and I feel more confident in turning in my assignments a day early.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Back to Work
Well, it's back to work tomorrow and I'm not sure I'm quite ready for it. Oh, the laundry is done and I have clothes picked out to wear for the week, but still I've been off for two weeks and I didn't even have to attend my online college. So it's been nice having to do absolutely nothing but veg and watch Carli grow. Oh well, its time and I must so I will.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
New way of eating for a six year old

So, we decided to let Carli have her own drawer of food in the refrigerator. Dad went out yesterday to the 99cent store and bought a few containers in which to hold all her healthy, nutritious goodies he'd purchased. Carli can now 'shop' in this drawer and eat whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Things in this 'grocery store' include: pickles, tortilla chips (in a snack bag), 2 cookies, fruit cocktail in light sauce, pears, mini hotdogs, chili, macaroni and cheese, orange and apple slices, a few pieces of turkey deli meat, and other miscellaneous items.
This has turned out to be the greatest idea yet to inspire independence when it comes to eating. No longer do I hear "Mom, I'm hungry!" and then having to settle in for a long battle over what to have for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Carli can now take charge of what she eats and since I already taught her 'everything in moderation' she knows that even if she has a whole can of chili, she doesn't have to eat the entire bowlful.
She can take a bagful of chips and some baby carrots, along with some low-fat ranch dressing spiced up with some taco seasoning and eat however much she desires.
For those of you who are having issues, I think this is a great way to get your child to eat healthy snacks throughout the day, week, month, heck all year long!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
I just sent Carli outside to catch some bugs in a glass jar with holes in the lid. We'll see what she comes back with.
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