Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cell phones and online scams

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. I start my blog this way because I felt like it and I like the quote. What does it have to do with my blog title? Absolutely nothing but it came to me in a flash and I had to write it down so I didn't forget it. Now, onto my blog about cell phones and online scams. I hate to admit it, but we just spent $60.00 for a stolen Palm Treo from some guy on a bicycle. Did we check into it being stolen on the off chance it was? You bet. I made the cursory phone call to the Police Department, but of course, it wasn't reported stolen, so I thought all was well, until I took it to the phone store to have it put on my account. Low and behold, it had indeed been stolen just a couple of days before I bought it off Craigslist. Never again will we be so stupid to do that. Lesson learned.

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