OMG! The first thing I thought was she'd stuck a bead up her nose and we'd be making a trip to the Emergency Department. Carli was hysterical and screaming at the top of her lungs, blowing snot out of her nose like there was no tomorrow - trying desperately to get whatever this 'thing' was out of her right nostril.
Needless to say all three of us were in a state of panic, mainly wondering what the hell she'd stuck up her nose, why she'd done it, and if we were ever going to get it out at home or if we'd have to go to the ED. We told Carli to keep blowing her nose and whatever she did not to inhale through her nose (we had no idea exactly what it was just yet) and I didn't want her risking putting whatever it was further up into her sinus cavity or choking on it should it pass through.
Well, after about what seemed like an eternity, I found the tweezers, tilted her little chin up in the bathroom so I could see it well enough to grab it and pulled out this foamy little disc (that she'd folded in half) of her right nostril.
So, only a few minutes (maybe two or three) passed before it was all over and done with, Carli only ending up with slight bloody discharge out of her nose as she blew it one last time and I asked her if she was going to stick things in her nose again and she emphatically said "NO! Mom, never again!" I suggested she go to her room to watch television (not as punishment because that would be just dumb) and rest for awhile.
It was quite a harrowing experience, for her, me and her dad - one I'm most certainly we are not destined to repeat. I took a picture of the offending object as posterity and future bribing, in hopes that by posting this note another mother will read this and completely understand the horrors we just went through.
Please feel free to share with other family members and close friends. For my sanity, please share!
Thanks for reading,