Friday, June 19, 2009

Breezy Afternoon

So here I sit, all alone watching the trees leaves rustle in the breeze. There is a neighbor's kitten playing in the bushes, and it is quite comical to see Bogie pounce at the grass. Carli is in the next door neighbors yard, singing to Sylvia. At least Carli can carry a tune.

Why, you may wonder, am I not in the air conditioned house? Because nature is so much better considering. And speaking of air conditioning, why is it on if it's so nice outside? Well, it's not exactly cooled off enough to make it worth it to open the doors, but, if it starts to rain I may consider it.

Now the breeze is more like a strong wind and I'm thinking it's time to go inside and open the doors. James is home so I'll get his opinion as to what he thinks and go from there.

Such a good wife.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why are old men so creepy?

This morning started out like any other morning. I got up, got dressed and did my makeup - nothing unusual about that. Then I helped Carli get ready for school and watched her brush her hair and reminded her to brush her teeth - all good.

James got off the computer and we headed to Summer School early because he had an appointment for 7:45 and needed to be on time. He dropped us off and we walked across the street to where her BFF Sierra was sitting with her mom, who is a school crossing guard (I mentioned them the other day) and the girls played together while Alice and I chatted for a few minutes. We discovered we have something in common with our girls - they'll go to any length necessary to get what they want, they are hellions at home, but as sweet as can be at school - which is how a parent hopes it would be.

After the girls went into the cafeteria I caught the bus - thinking I was heading in the right direction to head home, I call James to have him meet me at the library and discover I'm on the wrong bus. The driver is nice enough to let me off the bus and I walk across the street to the Circle K and let James know what's going on and have him pick me up there instead of the library.

As I'm waiting for him, this older man (I can't call him a gentleman and you'll soon read why not) pulls into the parking lot and gets out of his car, goes into the store for whatever reason - I'm thinking he's getting change to put air in his tire, but he gets in his car like he's leaving, then he gets back out again, this time on his cell phone, like he's on a call, goes back into the store and when he comes out he keeps looking at me and rubs himself - there - and looks at me a couple of more times. He finally gets in his car and drives away. Mind you, all this time I am ignoring him, purposely not looking in his general direction, so as not to give him any indication I'm remotely interested in chatting. So, I'm leaning against a water dispenser machine waiting for James and this guy comes back! He pulls in next to where one can put air in the tires (again) and looks back at me. Finally James shows up,I get in the car and the guy is still sitting there - I tell James what happened and asked him why was the guy staring at me and why did he rub himself - not once, but twice? Come to find out, I'm near Mesa and the street I'm on - even though I'm in the parking lot of a convenience store for Gawd's Sake - like that should even matter, right?

So I'm talking to an acquaintance of mine the next day and she says its because of the long hair. Hmm, now I'm wondering do I cut it all off and go butch or do I keep it up when I'm out. I'm all for being comfortable, but come on, do I really need to hide my hair? Maybe I should move to Kuwait and wear a scarf over my long ass hair - or perhaps I should stay here and wear a scarf over my long ass hair.

What gives? I don't understand why men feel the need to gawk and be all gross. James says most men aren't like that and that I should get used to being stared at. What do you all think?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Enrichment Program

So, today marks Week 3 for Carli at her Summer Enrichment Program. It runs 4 hours a day, 4 days a week. Carli has been learning lots these past three weeks and I'm finally comfortable dropping her off at the front gate and watching her walk into the cafeteria to meet her classmates and first teacher of the day.

There are two more weeks to go and I'm almost certain she will miss some of the children she has met and made friends with. One little girl in particular, by the name of Sierra, who is also 6 and going into Second Grade. We're not exactly sure what school she attends, but we do know that her mom is working this summer as a crossing guard - pretty cool.

The four classes Carli's taking are: Dinosaur Safari, Computer Detectives, Exploring Reading and Math Games. She loves them all and is doing well. The classes are all geared to help her be prepared for Second Grade. I want to be able to give her every advantage next year and this was the best way I could think of.

I'm excited to see my little girl growing up, developing her own personality and doing fun things!

Monday Musings

Yes, I am getting more into blogging, especially now that I have a follower. My oldest step-daughter Carrie is following my blog and I feel compelled to keep up with her and my daughter-in-law Becki. So, here goes.

It is Monday afternoon and I am sitting in front of my computer (or is it the t.v.) and read through, albeit briefly, about Carrie's triumph with her pregnancy and ultimate delivery with Lilli. I am reading about Becki's journey through her own pregnancy and the trials and tribulations that come with it for her .

While I'm sitting here not watching "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" I can't help but be reminded of my own most recent pregnancy with Carli - my precocious 6 year old, who, I might add, btw, is smart, funny, and gorgeous. Of course, I could be somewhat biased. I am, after all, her mother and #1 fan. Her dad might have a thing or two to say about that, but he doesn't get to post, so I guess no one will ever really know, or will they?!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday musings

I have invited three people - whose opinions matter most to me - to be authors on my blog. In no particular order they are - my friend April - we have daughters who are three days apart and spent their Kindergarten year together at school. And since their birthdays are so close, April graciously purchased everything that was needed to have an awesome birthday party at school. Granted, this was last year, so why am I blogging about it now? Because April and her family are in Avondale and no longer at the same school and I miss them terribly.

Second is my daughter-in-law Becki who has let me in on her blog about being pregnant with her first baby (a girl whom she & her husband have aptly named Basil Isabella). I love Becki, not only because she loves my son unconditionally, but because she is so willing to share her thoughts, upsets and daily musings about what is currently going on in her young life. Thank you Becki for accepting me for who I am and not wanting to change me.

Finally last, but certainly not least, my stepdaughter Carrie - who blogs about her daughter Lilliana Mae. I have not officially met her yet, Carrie, that is, but we talk like we have been friends forever. She too has allowed me to visit her blog and see inside a day in the life of - which means the world to me. To finally be accepted by my stepchildren has gone far in my getting back to a normal mother, stepmother and beloved wife - makes me feel better.

Someday I may blog about my previous life or not. I tend to want to stay in the present and not look back at my horrific past.

Ok, so on to more current events. Carli and I went to the ASU Museum on Friday as planned, walked around and checked things out. Unfortunately, I was not able to take my camera and take pictures of anything. Sad because there was so much to see and do - but I am only able to talk about it and somehow it doesn't seem to be as much fun if you can't share what was seen.

So...Carli put on a puppet show for me, yes a puppet show! At the museum! It was awesome. There are about 20 puppets to choose from and she picked a boy and a girl - had them have a conversation and then lock lips. It was so cute - but I wonder where she got the idea from? Ha.

We walked around a little more and then went back downstairs to the gift shop to check things out there. There were so many pretty things and lots of jewelry and toys and you name it, it was there. I found a really pretty bezel set silver Peridot ring - I ended up buying it (woo hoo) and I bought a brown tarantula spider for Carli (she loves bugs).

After the museum we walked across the street and had lunch at Subway. We split a sandwich and shared a bottle of water. It was so much fun hanging out with my 6 year old - she was so well behaved. Lots of people complimented her on her good behavior and I think some of them were surprised. When we finished lunch we took a walk down Mill Aveune to see what was going on. We popped in to a couple of the shops so Carli could try on some shoes (high heels to be precise). She loves trying on shoes, don't ask me why.

Then we walked around some more and came to a little mom & pop book store called Old Town Books. We love going in there to look at all of the books they have on the shelves and laying down in boxes on the floor. I asked the owners if they had any sociology books and Carli asked if there were any Dinosaur books. She found one out front on the 'sale' table. Granted it is old (from 1959 - but it says its a 1968 edition) on sale for $4.95 - now normally I would not pay that much for a book so old, but Carli is so into dinosaurs and I figured it couldn't hurt a bit to buy it for her.

Needless to say I didn't find any books I wanted (or could possibly afford) and besides it's more important that Carli have good books to read to continue her love of reading. Funny thing about the book, her dad had the same book when he was little, how cool is that?!

When we left the book shop we headed down the street and walked around a little bit more and Carli saw another mom & pop shop - Ice Cream, that is...called Cookiez. This place is so cool, little and cramped especially if more than one or two people are inside. This is such a cute little place and the ice cream costs a lot less than the ice cream store next door. I can get Carli a scoop of ice cream for $1.00! and one for me too - can you believe it? And the place next door charges $1.79 minimum for a scoop of ice cream!

Anyway, I have probably gone on long enough. NASCAR is on and I must pay attention or my favorite driver Kasey Kahne (#9) will not win - and he's currently in 4th place - yeehaw!