This morning started out like any other morning. I got up, got dressed and did my makeup - nothing unusual about that. Then I helped Carli get ready for school and watched her brush her hair and reminded her to brush her teeth - all good.
James got off the computer and we headed to Summer School early because he had an appointment for 7:45 and needed to be on time. He dropped us off and we walked across the street to where her BFF Sierra was sitting with her mom, who is a school crossing guard (I mentioned them the other day) and the girls played together while Alice and I chatted for a few minutes. We discovered we have something in common with our girls - they'll go to any length necessary to get what they want, they are hellions at home, but as sweet as can be at school - which is how a parent hopes it would be.
After the girls went into the cafeteria I caught the bus - thinking I was heading in the right direction to head home, I call James to have him meet me at the library and discover I'm on the wrong bus. The driver is nice enough to let me off the bus and I walk across the street to the Circle K and let James know what's going on and have him pick me up there instead of the library.
As I'm waiting for him, this older man (I can't call him a gentleman and you'll soon read why not) pulls into the parking lot and gets out of his car, goes into the store for whatever reason - I'm thinking he's getting change to put air in his tire, but he gets in his car like he's leaving, then he gets back out again, this time on his cell phone, like he's on a call, goes back into the store and when he comes out he keeps looking at me and rubs himself - there - and looks at me a couple of more times. He finally gets in his car and drives away. Mind you, all this time I am ignoring him, purposely not looking in his general direction, so as not to give him any indication I'm remotely interested in chatting. So, I'm leaning against a water dispenser machine waiting for James and this guy comes back! He pulls in next to where one can put air in the tires (again) and looks back at me. Finally James shows up,I get in the car and the guy is still sitting there - I tell James what happened and asked him why was the guy staring at me and why did he rub himself - not once, but twice? Come to find out, I'm near Mesa and the street I'm on - even though I'm in the parking lot of a convenience store for Gawd's Sake - like that should even matter, right?
So I'm talking to an acquaintance of mine the next day and she says its because of the long hair. Hmm, now I'm wondering do I cut it all off and go butch or do I keep it up when I'm out. I'm all for being comfortable, but come on, do I really need to hide my hair? Maybe I should move to Kuwait and wear a scarf over my long ass hair - or perhaps I should stay here and wear a scarf over my long ass hair.
What gives? I don't understand why men feel the need to gawk and be all gross. James says most men aren't like that and that I should get used to being stared at. What do you all think?
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