Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Enrichment Program

So, today marks Week 3 for Carli at her Summer Enrichment Program. It runs 4 hours a day, 4 days a week. Carli has been learning lots these past three weeks and I'm finally comfortable dropping her off at the front gate and watching her walk into the cafeteria to meet her classmates and first teacher of the day.

There are two more weeks to go and I'm almost certain she will miss some of the children she has met and made friends with. One little girl in particular, by the name of Sierra, who is also 6 and going into Second Grade. We're not exactly sure what school she attends, but we do know that her mom is working this summer as a crossing guard - pretty cool.

The four classes Carli's taking are: Dinosaur Safari, Computer Detectives, Exploring Reading and Math Games. She loves them all and is doing well. The classes are all geared to help her be prepared for Second Grade. I want to be able to give her every advantage next year and this was the best way I could think of.

I'm excited to see my little girl growing up, developing her own personality and doing fun things!

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