So, thought I'd finally get on here and blog about the 4th of July celebration we finally ended up having. We did not go to Tempe Town Lake as planned, and now I'm kind of sorry we didn't go. I tried taking pictures of the fireworks from the ground in our backyard, but none of them turned out worth anything so I will not be posting any of them. Our bbq turned out to be exceptionally delicious, however, and I wish I had pictures of the food that was on my plate (and I did), but they got erased. Boo hoo. It was such a pretty picture. Anyway, Carli and James climbed the ladder and sat on the peak of the roof to watch the fireworks. I stayed safely on terra firma and am glad I did. I don't do heights very well and after having a Brandy Alexander I was a tad tipsy and decided against climbing the ladder. Carli had enough scary moments climbing up and down, so it was good that I stayed on the ground to help her. Next year we are going down to Tempe Town Lake, staking out our turf with chairs, blankets and an umbrella and plenty of bottled water, snacks, and sunscreen and waiting until the fireworks begin. Oh and I have to remember my tripod so I can take awesome pictures of everything!