Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oh yeah, I failed to tell you...

One more thing I forgot to mention - I'm going to be a grandmother again, and I hope the grandkids know I prefer to be called Mama D, not grammy, granny or grandma...ick...those are such old names. While some of you may prefer grandma, that's all well and good, but not for this 21st century woman. Anyway, my middle daughter is about four months pregnant with her third child and my daughter in law is two months pregnant with her first. They found out yesterday that there is only one in there (she is a good candidate for twins as they run strong in her family). Christmas is less than a week away, there is no tree up (yet) and there are no gifts under the tree...oh wait, that's cuz the tree isn't up yet, duh! I am officially off for two weeks from work and from school (online college, that is) and I am looking forward to spending time sleeping in and not doing much of anything.

Life Changes


We are probably going to move after all. Probably in May '09 at the earliest. This is because we are finally ready to and things are changing enough that we can. Just needed to blog.

So...we didn't move after all. Things settled down (thank goodness). My in-laws are handling things on their own and we are in no rush to move up to Oregon where it is too cold and snowy for us.