Like I'd said in an earlier post, 'babysitting' is quite an unflattering term, especially when it comes to watching an 8 year old girl who's in Second Grade.
Anyway, today was supposed to have been really fun for the girls, we were supposed to go back to Tempe Marketplace and play in the water and take more pictures of the girls. But alas, it was not to be. Carli decided instead of staying with me at the store she would wander off and look at something else by one of the registers without telling me she was leaving (which is a store rule no-no!). I was going to buy the girls another treat today, but when I didn't see Carli and then discovered where she was, the trip was OVER!
I immediately starting walking out of the store with Sierra following close behind and Carli dragging her feet. We headed toward the orbit - the same one we'd barely left, and as we were walking up to it, I tapped her on the behind and told her to get her little behind on the bus - NOW!
I was not happy and neither were either one of the girls...I took Sierra aside and apologized to her, letting her know I was sorry her outing had been scrapped, thanks to Carli's misadventure at the store. I'm sure she was disappointed, but if she was, she didn't let on.
I wasn't going to let Sierra spend tonight because the girls had been fighting and bickering almost like was disheartening because I was hoping they'd get along better, considering they hadn't seen each other in a very long time. Anyway, they managed to pull it together long enough to be decent to one another, especially after the disastrous day they'd had by not getting to go to Tempe Marketplace.
Now, here they sit, on the livingroom floor watching a movie together and actually watching it without talking or playing. I'm surprised at how good and quiet they can be. As soon as the movie is over they are heading to bed for the night. I hope they sleep well and late tomorrow.
I can't believe how fast the week has gone, but I suppose being busy every day this week has been good and what made the week fly by. I've been able to get some really good pictures of the girls playing with each other and with other neighbor kids. All in all, they did really well.
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