Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weekend Edition

Here I sit, watching (ok, listening) to the t.v. and also hearing my precocious 7 year old pretend to cry because she wants to be carried to bed, instead of walking herself there. Well, she is just going to have to wait, dad is busy on his computer and I am diligently busy on mine. She has her 'benny' blanket in her hands - one she has had since she was an infant and loves it to pieces. It's starting to tatter now - imagine that after all these years.

I have been going through other blogs on here and even found a few that I would like to (and am actively) following. Some I have done anonymously, and others where I have let it be known who I am. Not that anyone would care, but it's fun to scroll through and see what others write, how they write and what they think.

I've been blogging on here for quite some time now...a year or longer, I think. My husband just started posting the other day and already has three followers - me among them. He's doing quite well at it, I'm proud of him. Really I am.

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