Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wow, I can't believe it's been nearly a month and SCHOOL PICTURES!

since I've posted any kind of blog about Carli and school. Two significant things have happened - her very first school dance and Fall Festival. She did not want her dad or I hanging around either time, so we left her at the school function by herself. I knew there were plenty of staff around to keep an eye on her so I tried not to worry - yeah, right.

She's pretty independent, I guess you'd say, when it comes to a school function. I'm not exactly sure why she didn't want us at either one, but everything turned out ok and I am guessing she wasn't the only child dropped off and left to their own devices. Both times we picked her up a couple of hours later and she was having the time of her life.

Tomorrow a local photographer is coming to the school to take individual pictures of the students. She does a composite of the students in the class, not a class picture. The package we are buying comes with 3 - 8x10s, 1 - 5x7, 2 - 3x5s, 4 - wallets, 8 - subwallets, 1 - class composite, plus 8 - wallets personalized with name and year.

I can't wait to see how they turn out!

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