Sunday, September 21, 2008

My friend April

Makes me giggle with her posts of knitting and elliptical machines. She makes these giantic cookies and then says she'll be spending 45 minutes on her elliptical machine. I don't own any gym equipment, nor do I plan to. Oh, I recently received a second-hand bicycle from a co-worker, but its not in working order, at least not right now. My dh has to get busy and pump up the tires (if they'll hold air), paint it purple (its green right now, and its a nice color and all, but not my color), and add baskets and bells and a light or two. Back to my friend April and her cookie baking and exercising, to say she's a fanatic about exercising, I'd have to say, not really, but she does know when she has reached her limit and must do something about it. I love her to pieces and I miss the heck out of her.


April said...

Aww...thank you! Not sure why I made the gigantic cookies. My eyes were probably bigger than my stomach- which means that they were pretty big! I'll share AJBs school calendar off line so maybe we can get them together for a little bit.

Did I ever tell you how proud I am of you? You're doing awesome in school!

Donna1264 said...

Hey, sorry I didn't know about your reply until just now (10/9) oops sorry! That's what I get for being so darned busy all the time. It would be great if our girls could get together some time...ttyl!